Client Stories

RTO Materials

MyRTO - An Assistive AI Tool for Content Generation

How do you manage an extensive and expanding catalogue of over 3000 titles of training materials while developing new, bespoke content? Read how Razor built RTO Materials an assistive AI tool that streamlined their search and retrieval process, leveraged Large Language Models (LLMs) for content generation, and ensured the security of their intellectual property.

50% time and cost saving


The Challenge

RTO Materials were frustrated with the significant inefficiencies in managing their expanding catalogue of training content. Searching for content within their catalogue as well as creating, new bespoke material was becoming an increasingly challenging task.

Writers were often duplicating efforts, wasting valuable time on recreating content that already existed instead of focusing on new material. This inefficiency was a drain on productivity, creativity and money.

A solution was needed that enabled their team to streamline the search and retrieval process, aid in content creation and ultimately boost productivity, all while ensuring the security of RTO Materials intellectual property. 


The Result

Razor developed An advanced generative AI tool that cuts content creation time and cost by 50%. The tool leverages the extensive knowledge in RTO Materials' existing catalogue and utilises LLMs to fill gaps by generating new content.

The tool operates in three modes: Ask, Search, and Web AI.

  • Ask Mode: Generates new training content based on the intellectual property uploaded by the user.

  • Search Mode: Allows users to query their intellectual property, surfacing relevant documents quickly and efficiently.

  • Web AI Mode: Allows information beyond what the document embeddings provide, without compromising the security of their intellectual property.

With this tool, users can:

  • Develop comprehensive training and assessment materials

  • Ensure regulatory compliance

  • Create detailed marking support guides

  • Generate examples for assessments

  • Develop discussion prompts for learning sessions

  • Create customised in-house training for staff

RTO Materials have integrated this solution internally and are now offering it to their clients, providing enhanced content management and creation capabilities.

David Wilson

David Wilson

Managing Director - RTO Materials

"The good thing about Razor is that they have always reacted. Not just when there's been a problem but it's happened when we've asked for things and it happens when they say they are going to do it. Razor do what they say on the box, which is more than you get usually."


Who is RTO Materials?

RTO Materials provides high quality educational resources to Registered Training Organisations (RTO). These resources are produced by their in-house team of industry-experienced instructional designers and currently includes a catalogue of over 3000 titles that can be fully customised to each RTO that they work with.

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