AI Assessment

Build Your AI Roadmap

Identify opportunities to apply AI, bridge technological gaps and safeguard against risk.  

ai-assessment mockup

What is an AI Assessment?

A Comprehensive Report Highlighting Tailored AI Integration Opportunities

Through a series of interviews, workshops, and contextual inquiries our team assess your current technological maturity, readiness for AI adoption, and pinpoint opportunities for enhancement.

You'll receive a comprehensive report outlining tailored opportunities for AI integration, a score of your organisation's AI readiness and strategic recommendations for your AI journey.

Select your level of assessment

The AI Assessment is offered in three tiers, ranging from a lightweight engagement built on a questionnaire to in-depth investigations.


AI Readiness Scan

Ideal for small to medium-sized enterprises

Get an initial snapshot of your AI readiness and high-level recommendations for using AI


  • AI Readiness report

  • Identified AI opportunities

  • Strategic next steps

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AI Exploration

Ideal for mid to large-sized organisations

Get a tailored roadmap for a department-specific AI implementation


  • Assessment of your department

  • Identified AI challenges

  • Department specific roadmap

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AI Strategic Roadmap

Ideal for large enterprises and multinationals

Get a detailed AI adoption roadmap. Integrate AI within your organisation's goals


  • Assessment of your organisation’s current state against 9 key areas

  • Organisational AI roadmap

  • AI Implementation plan

  • Governance frameworks for your entire organisation's AI journey

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9 pillars of AI

Why do I need an AI Assessment?

The AI Assessment empowers you to take action with your data and apply AI where it has the most impact in your business.


  • Simplify AI Adoption: We make AI understandable and accessible for businesses at any stage.

  • Uncover Growth Opportunities: Identify and address gaps in your current technology setup where AI can drive innovation and efficiency. 

  • Secure Deployment: Anticipate and mitigate risk with a comprehensive assessment.

  • Fill Skill Gaps: Bridge skill shortages with recommendations for training or hiring, overcoming a primary obstacle to AI adoption.

  • Strategic Alignment: Ensure AI initiatives align with your business goals for maximum impact.

  • Boost Organisational Agility: Adapt to changes and embrace new technologies swiftly with recommendations for organisational and technological adjustments.

  • Expert Insights: Leverage our technology experts' knowledge for impactful AI solutions.

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Start your AI journey

Identify opportunities to apply AI, bridge technological gaps and safeguard against risk.
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Diving deeper into Razor

Read more on AI

The Benefits of AI for Business

The Benefits of AI for Business

Everyone is talking about AI, but understanding its concrete business benefits can be challenging. What are the tangible benefits for businesses that adopt AI and how do you get started?

Learn more
AIRTO Materials

RTO Materials

How do you manage an extensive and expanding catalogue of over 3000 titles of training materials while developing new, bespoke content? Read how Razor built RTO Materials an assistive AI tool that streamlined their search and retrieval process, leveraged Large Language Models (LLMs) for content generation, and ensured the security of their intellectual property.

View the case study